Another Year


Another Year

The years dash by;

Seasons repeated over and over…

But each defined by its own personality

as unique as yours or mine.

Spring warmth is upon us once again.

Airy bamboo

Cloaks sunny windows;

Bright green

Peeking between twined twigs,

Scene outside seen betwixt.


Birds float

On early blue,

Progression measured

Branch after branch

By the grand oak

Spreading her arms

Above my head.



Shadows crisp, sharp outlines against

Bright sunshine on this last day of winter.

Spring gracing us with an early welcome appearance:

Cottonwood tufts drift willy-nilly

With breezes and gales

Spiced with fragrance of

Earthy pear blossoms,

Fresh mown grass

And water on thirsty black dirt.
