Hollywood Speak Lesson for Da Fam

Everyone knows what a logline is, right?

“A script or screenplay Logline states the story in one active sentence, focusing on the concept, main story engine, unique Protagonist and main conflict. Ideally in 25 words or less…”

I informed my family that a production company was interested in my logline for my Lilyhammer TV spec.

But maybe not everyone knows what a logline is — including the Yaz family — (FYI – Oli is a giant golden lab and Suri is bull dog):


  • debi




Rain gone

Steam floats, surrounds with dawn,

burns off…


Clear blue frames greens

sharp tipped, round, sap – drip, drip,

greens lime & iridescent,

greens deep, dark, black…


Shadows sharp as a briar’s sting

No haze,

no smudge of summer

too soon here…


Laughter of friends, family

Cocoon of love, harmony

Thank you, Life

My life

Our life


– debi


Quiet Lost: Chapter 5

Quiet Lost is a story of betrayal, murder, love and lost love.  It will require several chapters to tell Neil’s story.

Quiet Lost

Chapter 5

Friday night, September 11

“Gin!” Neil laid down his runs and sets.

Cassie threw her cards on the sofa table between them, “That’s not fair!  You always win, Daddy.”

“Not true.  You won a game last week.  Besides, what does fair have to do with anything?”  His eyes twinkled as he suppressed a mischievous grin.  He wanted to reach out and muss her hair, but restrained himself – that would lead to an all-out war. Continue reading